Posts tagged Year of Jubilee
"The Bishop of Rome": Is Change Coming to the Papacy?

Is the evangelical church ready to respond to the invitation and implications of The Bishop of Rome? Is it clear on its theological convictions and identity, and does it understand those of Rome? Is there clarity concerning Rome, or is it a blind spot for the evangelical church that creates more confusion than clarity? Is it ready to stand firm on the truths of the biblical gospel which were recovered by the Reformers and then rejected by Rome? The Bishop of Rome suggests this day is perhaps coming, and the church must be ready. Is your church ready?

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Indulgences: Alive and Well in Roman Catholicism

Evangelicals should immediately recognize the offense that indulgences are to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Indulgences are alive and well in the Roman Catholic Church. The Year of Jubilee is fast approaching. In your church or in your family are there those who might be attracted by a pilgrimage to Rome or to a shrine to obtain something that only Christ can obtain for us?

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