RI Conference USA - SBTS Louisville
Reformanda Initiative Conference | February 22-24
Better understand Roman Catholicism and learn how to engage with your Catholic friends and neighbors with love, understanding, and truth.
Many of us have Roman Catholic friends and relatives, or are Catholic ourselves or come from a Roman Catholic background. Despite our significant exposure to Catholicism, the truth is we know very little about it. The world of Roman Catholic theology and practice is vast and intimidating and it is difficult to know where to start in order to understand it better. As a result we struggle to know how to engage our loved ones on the subject and have a hard time articulating the differences between Roman Catholicism and Protestantism. Are the differences really that significant, or do we just believe two versions of basically the same thing? The Reformanda Initiative exists to help you answer these questions and provide valuable resources in doing so. This course on contemporary Roman Catholicism will help you better understand Roman Catholic theology and practice and will equip you with knowledge that will help you better engage your Catholic loved ones with the Good News of Jesus Christ.
*Students at Southern Seminary must register for course 28140 - Contemporary Roman Catholic Theology with Gregg Allison on my.SBTS.edu/student/registration in addition to this event.
Wednesday, February 22nd
1:00-2:30 pm - Course 1: Introduction to the Reformanda Initiative and a presentation of Same Words, Different Worlds: Do Roman Catholics and Evangelicals Believe the Same Gospel? (Also the title of Leonardo's recent book)
3:00-4:30 pm - Course 2: Why Roman? Why Catholic? And why Roman Catholic?
Thursday, February 23rd
1:00-2:30 pm - Course 3: Vatican II and Beyond
3:00-4:30 pm - Course 4: The Missiological Implications of Vatican II
Friday, February 24th
1:00-2:30 pm - Course 5: The Pillars of Roman Catholic Theology and Practice
3:00-4:30 pm - Course 6: Okay, so what are the implications of all this? Is collaboration possible?

RI Brazil - Dr. Leonardo De Chirico
Christian Consciousness 2023 - King of Kings (25 years)
Nós criamos uma programação multifacetada e organizada em Plenárias, Conferências, Eventos paralelos e Kids. Serão mais de 10 horas por dia de programação. Confira a nossa programação e se organize para não perder nada.

RI Australia - Dr. Leonardo De Chirico
Click the link below to find out more about Dr. Leonardo’s trip to Austrailia.