The Blurring of Time Distinctions in Roman Catholicism Leonardo De Chirico, ReadwebmasterJuly 15, 2019
Christian Unity vis-à-vis Roman Catholicism: A Critique of the Evangelicals and Catholics Together Dialogue Leonardo De Chirico, ReadwebmasterJuly 15, 2019
The Doctrine of the Eucharist According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church Read, EucharistwebmasterJuly 15, 2019
Evangelical Theological Perspectives on Post-Vatican II Roman Catholicism Read, Leonardo De ChiricowebmasterJuly 15, 2019
Book: Roman Catholic Theology and Practice: An Evangelical Assessment Read, Gregg AllisonwebmasterJuly 15, 2019
Book: A Christian’s Pocket Guide to Papacy: Its Origin and Role in the 21st Century Leonardo De Chirico, ReadwebmasterJuly 15, 2019
Book: Historical Theology: An Introduction to Christian Doctrine Read, Gregg AllisonwebmasterJuly 15, 2019
Book: Evangelical Theological Perspectives on post-Vatican II Roman Catholicism Read, Leonardo De ChiricowebmasterJuly 15, 2019Leonardo De Chirico